About us

With our technologies we want to help people to collectively solve complex creative problems...
NakedMinds is an independent project lab creating solutions with the NeuroWeb Group of companies. Our main goal is to create a technological and constantly evolving environment for collective thinking, which allows to include a human's co-creativity with its entire depth by using human-machine interfaces
NakedMinds key focus areas
  • 1
    Communication augmentation
    Personal and group virtual assistants for work, communication and everyday life
  • 2
    Education augmentation
    Education methodologies for new technological packages with seamless human-computer interaction
  • 3
    Professional Augmentation
    Solutions for professional and project communications with the use of semantic and visual technologies, neurotech, neurogaming & AR
  • 4
    Communities of practice support
    Software, hardware and wetware solutions for support of development of knowledge & practice communities
  • 5
    Educational programs
    Developing of specialized educational and development programs in neurotech and neurocom fields
Our team consists of psychophysiologists, engineers, experts in cognitive sciences, neurobiologists, software developers, academics and methodists in innovative education.

Our core team

  • Timur Shchukin
    Partner & Director Scientific Research at NakedMinds
    Psychophysiologist, entrepreneur and expert in human-computer and collective interaction.
    Timour has 15+ years of experience in developing biofeedback wearables. He is a professional moderator and held over 100 strategic sessions.
    He is the main thinktank and ideologist of the VCA project.
  • Irina Antonova
    Irina is entrepreneur and co-founder of NakedMinds with the background in the Psychology and Marketing. She has extensive experience in developing innovative educational programs for business & marketing in educational sphere. At NakedMinds she is responsible for strategic development, takes part in scientific research management and project management.
  • Yana Rusanova
    Project Manager
    Yana has extensive experience in managing production and project works. She worked as an adminstirative director of Strelka Institute of Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow. At NakedMinds Yana supports engineering and development integration projects with partners.
  • Elena Kuzmina
    Elena has worked as a marketing and communications professional in multiple international environments, such as Belgian Diplomatic Mission, Top Belgian and Swiss-American Business schools and International IT company. She is responsible for marketing strategy at large and product marketing at NakedMinds.
  • Victor Anisimov
    At NakedMinds Victor researches problems of attention, emotions, decision-making for . He also works with Lomonosov Moscow State University, Neurotrend and Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center.
  • Igor Gorbatchev
    Igor is an engineer, developer of solutions in the field of biometrics measuring devices. At NakedMinds he is responsible for engineering of our biometric gadgets.
  • Diana Ishmatova
    Prior to joining NakedMinds Diana worked for APEC e-government research center in Japan, the Centre of Public Management and Governance in South Africa and St. Petersburg State University focusing on emerging technologies for public innovations, social inclusion, and collaborative platforms for participatory governance. At NakedMinds she is responsible for research and analytical work for in-house and external clients use.
Our partners
Being a project lab our team collaborates with multiple professionals in various fields, who share our values and work on our projects.
Strategic Business Development:
  • Natalya Galkina
    Founder and CEO, Neurotrend
    Member of NMSBA (The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association). Along with NakedMinds Natalia and her team are working on creating a joint laboratory in the field of digital & mixed realities (AR/VR) for communication and collaboration.
  • Andrey Ivashenko
    D.Sc., professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CHEMRAR High Tech Center
    Andrey is Head of NeuroNet working group for designing and assembling of the market roadmap of the National Technological Initiative (NTI).
    Andrey collaborates with NakedMinds on implementing NeuroWeb ideas as initial idea of NTI's Neuronet into projects that are being supported by Neuronet group.
  • Dmitry Peskov
    Director of Young Professionals Division of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives
    Coordinator and co-developer of a comprehensive program to create conditions for ensuring the leadership of Russian companies in new high-tech markets "National Technology Initiative".
    Co-author of the Digital Economy model; co-head of the group "Personnel and Education" of the program "Digital Economy"
    Dmitry is a visioner, who helps establishing key development areas of the VCA project.
  • Petr Shchedrovitsky
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Nonprofit Scientific Foundation " Shchedrovitsky Institute for Development"
    Member of The Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Foundation Board
    Member of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Expert Council,
    Advisor to the General Director for Strategic Development of the "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers "Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia)"
    Member of the Board of Cluster of innovative technologies ZATO Zheleznogorsk
    Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Methodology Management at the Institute of
    Nanoengineering in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics,
    Petr provides expert advice and mentoring on the VCA project.
  • Andrey Volkov
    Academic policy advisor of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
    Deputy Chairman of the Council on Global Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among Global Research and Education Centers.
    Andrey is the mentor, and supports integration of VCA project into educational appliance.
Software Engineering
  • Alexey Kulakov
    CEO and founder, JetStyle
    Alexey leads a team of 60+ software developers in co-creating a semantic feedback and knowledge flow support software and services to be a part of VCA MVP.
  • Sergey Monachov
    Head of Software Development Team
    Co-creator of early biofeedback software prototypes and biosignal hardware drivers and signal visualisation. Sergey is leading programmer at Group-a-ware and Foresight Map software prototype creation. Co-develops signal visualisation interfaces
  • Mikhail Tugaev,
    CEO, Co-founder, Labius ldc
    Mikhail leads a team of 15+ software developers and game designers to co-create a project thinking simulator, training and implementation space, based on an experience of cooperation in creating Group-a-Ware group cognitive load management system
  • Petr Tutaev,
    Co-founder, Labius ldc
    Head of Software Engineering
    Petr leads a team of 15+ software developers and game designers to co-create a project thinking simulator, training and implementation space, based on an experience of cooperation in creating Group-a-Ware group cognitive load management system
Hardware Engineering
  • Natalia Galkina
    Founder and CEO, Neurotrend
    Member of NMSBA (The Neuromarketing Science & Business Association), Invited lecturer at the Economics Faculty, School of Economics MSUТ. Along with NakedMinds Natalia and her team are working on creating a joint laboratory in the field of digital & mixed realities (AR/VR) for communication and collaboration.
  • Mikhail Prepelitskiy
    President and CEO, Onetrak
    Onetrak specializes in developing hardware and software solutions for the Russian Healthcare and Wellness market, the company's goal is to increase the average life longevity and the spread healthy living in Russia.
    Together With Naked Minds Michael develops solutions using bio and neurofeedback.
  • Eugeny Lutsenko
    Professor, Phd in Economy and technical sciences, Author of integrated information theory and its software realisation - image recognition and decision support engine "Eidos", author of over 500 scientific works.
    With NakedMinds Evgeny co-creates a new version of software to work with text analysis and ontology based concept map builder.
Hybrid Environments
  • Andrey Salik
    Game designer, boardgames, role-playing and computer games at GameTrek.
    For over fifteen years Andrey has been working as project manager & game designer.
    He is working with various neurogaming and gamification implementation projects with Nakedminds, including methodologies, scenarios of concept project work simulation game - training software.
  • Elena Stasova
    Headliner of "School of Game Practices and Moderators", program director of the Game Practice Course.
    Business coach and a system integrative coach with more than 15 years of experience. Head of training and development projects. Program Director of the XI International Conference "Work, Play & Create"
    Elena supports NakedMinds in promoting its concept and ideas in the gaming sphere.
  • Mikhail Tugaev
    CEO, Co-founder, Labius ldc
    Mikhail leads a team of 15+ software developers and game designers to co-create a project thinking simulator, training and implementation space, based on an experience of cooperation in creating Group-a-Ware group cognitive load management system
Educational methodologies
  • Denis Korichin
    Denis is leading a community practice of over 60 people, specializing in creating complex group work and educational programs, strategic planning, game design and organisation building. Denis is heading the development of Teamer, a service for the selection of effective and comfortable team. With NakedMinds Denis is co-creating a methodology of project work, complex collaboration methods to augment.
  • Elena Naumtceva
    Organizational development specialist and trainer of management communication programs
    Author of the program "Resource and high-yield management", "Talent development coaching", etc. Elena has 16 years of experience in coaching, worked in projects at World Skills Russia, Intel, IT-cluster Skolkovo, Rostelecom, Vimpelcom, robotics team of Moscow (WRO and RRO). At NakedMinds Elena is one of co-developers of the course on new competencies trainings for augmented cognition based collaboration for young adults. She is also leading the NeuroCom Skills educational program for young adults.
  • Fyodor Slyusarchuk
    Coach, developer of games and educational technologies with 20 years of experience, scriptwriter, game theorist
    Fyodor is a creator of a pilot cohort of University.2035
    Leads a team of 20+ members in implementing first Nakedminds technology prototypes and methodology into distributed university cohort of 100 students
  • Vasily Tretyakov
    Head of the platform "Open Education", Deputy Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies of the Ural Federal University, General Director of National Technological Initiative University 2035.
    Vasily is in the process of implementing prototypes and methodologies developed by NakedMinds into the first students cohort of the University 2035, as well as to the university's software platform.
Scientific Research
  • Oleg Bakhtiyarov
    Professor at the Institute of Psychonuclear Research and Development (IPIR).
    Physician, psychologist, author of the psychonetics concept, developer of the methodology and techniques of deconcentration, the body of techniques of activation of consciousness and direct work with consciousness. For NakedMinds Oleg adapts his methodologies for attention management (Psychonetic technics).
  • Olga Dobrushina
    Neurologyst, Head of research projects for the international association EEG Info.
    Olga regularly speaks at international conferences, runs educational programs for specialists in the clinical application of neurotechnologies. Olga has over 10 years working with children using Biofeedback. She is an author of more than 50 published works.
    At NakedMinds Olga conducts research in neurology and neurophysiology fields.
  • Alan Francis
    Alan has over 40 years experience working in a variety of traditional and non traditional settings to create environments and processes that facilitate effective group processes that empowers the individual. He has worked in a variety of cultural milieus including: in America - PICMET Conference for Mangagement of Engineers and Technology, PRS Philosophical Research Society, France - Manutan International, Russia - Neuroweb Foresight Project and Global Education Futures. He has developed a unique understanding of psycho-physical group exercises and use of flow diagrams such as the Enneagram to keep the group process on target.
    With NakedMinds Alan works on building a deeper understanding on how technological augmentation of group work can help grow essential human qualities such as compassion and empathy.
  • Frode Hegland
    Software developer and PhD student at The University of Southampton
    Frode runs a software development company where he is developing Liquid | Author.
    He also hosts the annual Future of Text Symposium in support of his passion for interactive text.
    Frode's ideas are used in development of the KnowFlow module
  • Denis Korichin
    Denis leading a community practice of over 60 people, specializing in creating complex group work and educational programs, strategic planning, game design and organisation building. Denis is heading the development of Teamer, a service for the selection of effective and comfortable team. With NakedMinds Denis is co-creating a methodology of project work, complex collaboration methods to augment.
  • Aleksandra Kupavskaya
    Ph.D, Chartered Psychologist, Сo-Founder, Clever Psychology, London
    Cross-cultural psychologist, business and life coach, Chartered Psychologist at the British Psychological Society, social psychology and group interaction specialist. Co-authored several analytical articles that created the basis for group work visualization methodology at NakedMinds. Aleksandra also co-develops the social-psychological part of the NakedMinds methodology.
  • Anatoly Levenchuk
    Head Of Science at Systems management school
    Member of INCOSE (research director and past president of INCOSE Russian Chapter), Member of ACM, SIGSOFT
    Anatoly is a leading expert in the field of high technologies, professionally engaged in the methodology of system and software engineering, engineering and technological management. Anatoly advises NakedMinds on issues of the current state of the art provisions in the field of ontological editors, semantic engines and technical means of implementing tasks of the project

  • Petr Shchedrovitsky
    Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Nonprofit Scientific Foundation " Shchedrovitsky Institute for Development"
    Member of The Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Foundation Board
    Member of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Expert Council,
    Advisor to the General Director for Strategic Development of the "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workers "Young Professionals (Worldskills Russia)"
    Member of the Board of Cluster of innovative technologies ZATO Zheleznogorsk
    Head of the Department of Strategic Planning and Methodology Management at the Institute of
    Nanoengineering in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics,
    Petr provides expert advice and mentoring on the VCA project.
  • Nikolay Verkhovsky
    Head of Project Work for Corporate Programmes at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
    Сreates new approaches to position-based dialogue techniques for project group in corporate project-based education programs. Together with NakedMinds Nikolay is co-creating rules and schematics for dialogue augmentation for technology based startups for groups of 5 to 100 active members.
  • Alexander Zhmurko
    Software developer project manager and analytic
    With NakedMinds Alexander is co-creating semantic analysis approach for the KnowFlow engine and working together on government grants management and workflow.
Our partner organisations
+1 347 349 5308