VCA agent
It is group and personal assistant, which brings holistic approach to one's work life
VCA agent connects Group-a-Ware, KnowFlow and ExoFlow modules. It is a personal and group assistant aiming to help individual and group needs and goals. It understands individual differences of each participant and helps being as most productive as possible while taking into consideration initial goals of a project and other team members.
How it works
VCA Agent software is used across three other VCA modules: Group-a-Ware, KnowFlow, ExoFlow
It's a personal assistant and coach:
It works with calendars and tasks, reminds you of your workload

When receiving your biofeedback (more you use it, more the system understands you), VCA agent tells you when you are most and less productive, when you need to take a break or not take on any serious tasks.
It is a team's administrative assistant during a project work
VCA agent knows each project participants agenda and competences set. The engine assists with choosing the right person for task delivering and timings.
VCA agent acts as a professional moderator in group discussions
The system knows exact type, topic and the main goal of a discussion (with preliminary templates from KnowFlow), so it keeps track of a timing and asks needed questions via a chat window.

With the biofeedback tools (EEG headset and biometric wristband) it understands overall physical and mental state of the group and helps to maintain a resourceful dynamics of the conversation
Do you have questions or want to see a demo?
Visual representation of a conversation in a concept map format. Includes voice recognition and semantic parsing of dialogues
Module for realtime emotional state and cognitive load aspect monitoring and analysis.
Project management tool, social network and personal development trajectory support engine